Kathleen Goodwin Biography

I was born in South Africa, fortunately into a non racist family.

As a child, I loved to paint, but I followed in my father’s footsteps by pursuing a Science degree in Chemistry and Mathematics. I left South Africa in my early twenties to travel. I returned to Durban determined to write about Apartheid. I was the bleeding liberal on a daily newspaper; writing about living conditions in the townships, and the appalling state of the African schools. I was court reporter where justice was a joke. After a few years, I realized I either had to become a full time activist or leave the country. I chose the latter as I wished to pursue my own creative aspirations. 

Moving to Berkeley, I made feather jewelry and sold it on Telegraph Avenue. During this time I was diagnosed with a melanoma tumor in my right eye. This culminated in my having the eye removed. Few people know my right eye is a crafted implant as it moves with the left. Shortly after this, I met Richard Blair, a photographer. We immediately had a bond because of visual awareness and a keen love of nature We went to Hawaii together. I forgot my camera and purchased art supplies as a substitute. This started me painting;  it's my first love. Photography is still very important. I use its ability to capture peak moments of light - later I paint and modify these images. Having one eye was initially very difficult for me. I had lost my depth perception and nothing felt real to me. It was as if I was trapped in a movie. When I was painting I seemed able to stop the movie and see depth. The process was also totally involving and I could relax and forget about my health issues

I always travel with art materials and paint on location.

Importance of art

Art adds a challenging dimension to my life. It is great to be an artist. There is always something new to learn . One is never bored. It is also important to turn others onto the beauty and needs of our world.

My Influences/mentors

I love the impressionists and Van Gogh which I saw in Paris!  Later in Berkeley, I discovered Gerogia O’Keefe and she was an influence. I took classes with Richard McLean and Robert Bechtle at SF State. My partner, Richard Blair, a very good photographer, also influenced my work.

Where is my work heading?

My work evolves as I paint; I have no plan but my whims change. I do what I want. During the pandemic for instance, I painted the “Path to Pebble Beach” which is extremely detailed, each leaf painted individually. The process took time and was meditative. My hope for the future is to be explosive with color and everything!